Sankalp Mantra

Sankalp Mantra

Sankalp Mantra : Method and Procedure 

Hindus have many rituals, from Puja, Paath, Japa, Havan, Anushthan, and Yagna, to prana Pratishtha. In Hinduism, it is believed that one must take an oath for each practice before performing it.

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Meaning of Sankalp: 

“San” means the best way possible, or we can say the best method. 

“Kalp” –meaning of kalp – is to imagine, think, follow a particular method or rule with proper ritual etc.

There is one more meaning of Kalp, that is the age of lord Brahma i.e. 1000 Chaturyugi. 

Why taking Sankalp is necessary 

Sankalp mantra is performed before the pooja. It is performed to explain who the person is, where they belong, why they are performing this whole ritual, and what they do. This complete process includes a prayer for achieving their goals and receiving blessings.

Sankalp mantra: 

ऊँ विष्णुर्विष्णुर्विष्णुः श्रीमद् भगवतो महापुरुषस्य विष्णोराज्ञया प्रवर्तमानस्य अद्य ब्रह्मणो द्वितीय परार्धे श्रीश्वेतवराहकल्पे, वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे, अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे, कलि प्रथम चरणे, जम्बूद्वीपे, भारतवर्षे, भरतखंडे, (अपने स्थान का नाम), मासे (अपने मास का नाम), शुक्ल/कृष्ण पक्षे, (तिथि) तिथौ, (वार) वासरे, (नक्षत्र) नक्षत्रे, (योग) योगे, (करण) करणे, एवं गुण विशेषण विशिष्टायां अस्यां (तिथि) तिथौ, (अपना नाम), (अपना गोत्र) गोत्रोत्पन्नः, अहं गृहे, (देवता का नाम) प्रीत्यर्थं, (पूजा/अनुष्ठान का उद्देश्य) करिष्ये।”

Meaning of Sankalp mantra 

While reciting this mantra, you must add your details such as your name, gotra, place, month, date, day, nakshatra, yoga, Karana, and the deity you are going to worship. You also need to add the purpose for which you are performing the ritual. This makes the mantra more effective.

This mantra is used in  Hindu worship and especially for taking Sankalpa, where the worshipping person expresses the intensity of his worship. 

Here is the description of each word in the following mantra

  • OM: Om is the sound of the universe, which represents consciousness towards god.
  • VishnuRvishnuRvishnuH: Vishnu is the god and here his name is mentioned three times, which shows his greatness and power.
  • Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurush Asya: the word ‘Srimad’ is used for wealth and prosperity, ‘Bhagavato’ is used for Lord, and ‘Mahapurushasya’ refers to the great man or divine power.
  • Vishnoragya: it means god order for this.
  • Pravartan Asya: it is the symbol of the Starting or beginning of something.
  • Adhya: Today. 
  • Brahmano II Parardhe: Reference to the current Kalpa.
  • Shreya Sveta Varaha Kalpa: Reference to the current Kalpa.
  • Vaivasvata Manu Vantare: In the interval of Vaivasvata Manu, which is the current manvantara.
  • Ashtavimshattime Kaliyuga: Ashta Vimsathi (28th) era of Kaliyuga.
  • Kali Pratham Charane: In the first phase of Kaliyuga.
  • Jambudvipa, Bharatvarshe, Bharatkhande: these are the Geographical references of ancient India.

(name of your place), Maase (name of the month), Shukla/Krishna Paksha, (Tithi) Tithau, (day ) Vasare, (Nakshatra) Nakshatra, (Yoga) Yoga, (Karan) Karane: all These spaces needs to be filled by the worshipper based on his personal details.Evam Guna Visheshan Vishishta Ayam Ayam (date) Tithau: (own name), (own gotra) Gotrotpannah: Name and gotra of the worshipper. Aham Grihe, (name of the deity) Preetyartham, (objective of the puja/ritual) Karishye.: I am going to perform (the puja or ritual) in my house, for the pleasure of (name of the deity).

In this mantra the worshipper beads to mention the geographical location, time, and deity, to specifically dedicate his worship to that particular god.

 How to take Sankalp:

  1. Purity: Make sure that you are completely pure with your body and mind before taking Sankalp.
  1. Wear Pavitri and Trikusha: before performing the ritual of sankalp you have to wear Pavitri and Trikusha These are holy things that you should wear during the process.
  2. Water in hand: Keep water in hand for the Sankalp.
  3. Sesame Seeds: keep the sesame seeds in your hands while taking Sankalp.
  4. Essential things: keep paan (betel leaves), betel nut, akshat (rice grains), a flower, sandalwood, and some money near you while taking Sankalp.
  5. Remember Lord Vishnu: Before starting the whole process of Sankalp, keep lord Vishnu in your consciousness and remember him for a moment.

These are the few things that you need to remember and follow while taking the Sankalp!

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Q1. What is the Sankalp?

Ans. Sankalpa is a promise telling God that you are performing this ritual, where you chant the mantra and worship that god. 

Q2. How to perform a Sankalp mantra? 

Ans. Take fresh water in your right hand, Akshata, flowers with it and recite the sankalpa mantra. After reading Sankalp’s mantra leave the water in front of god.

Q3. What is the power of the Sankalp mantra?

Ans. Sankalp mantra makes our mindset more strong and produces the energy of a particular deity. It works as a sacred sound that brings blessings.

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